I'm new to the anti-fraud profession. Can I still join the ACFE?

Yes. Whether you're an experienced anti-fraud professional or new to the field, we invite you to join. Associate membership is open to all individuals of high moral character who are interested in the detection, deterrence and prevention of fraud.

What are the different categories of membership?

Associate Membership: open to individuals of all job functions, industries and levels of experience who are interested in the prevention, detection and deterrence of fraud. If you are a professional interested in learning more about fraud, Associate membership provides you with the knowledge, resources and training you need to do your job now and at every stage of your career. Only Associate members are eligible to become Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs).

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Membership: open to Associate members, including students and educators, who are interested in taking their careers to the next level by earning the standard of professional excellence in the anti-fraud profession. The CFE credential is increasingly being designated as a preferred credential in the hiring practices of businesses, government entities and law enforcement agencies.

Student Membership*: open to graduate and undergraduate college and university students who have an interest in fraud prevention and detection. Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least nine semester hours (or equivalent) and graduate students must be enrolled in at least six semester hours (or equivalent) at an accredited college or university.

Educator Membership*: open to individuals who are employed full-time at a college or university and for whom teaching is their primary means of employment. Educator members receive full access to all member benefits, additional training discounts and numerous resources to use in the classroom.

*Educators, students and some international members are offered Electronic membership. Electronic membership provides the same benefits as Standard membership, except ACFE resources are delivered electronically via email and ACFE websites.

May I pay my membership dues two years at a time?

Yes, simply note on your invoice that you are paying dues in advance.

If I change jobs, does my membership "travel" with me?

If your membership is not under the ACFE's Corporate Alliance program, your membership remains with you regardless of employment changes.

Can I transfer my membership to someone else in my company if I leave?

Only participants in the ACFE Corporate Alliance program can transfer their memberships to other individuals in an organization. If your membership is under the Corporate Alliance, your membership belongs to the organization and will end once the organization chooses to end it. However, if you are no longer participating in the program, you have the option to continue your membership with the ACFE.

Are Associate members required to become CFEs?

No. While we encourage every member to continually expand their anti-fraud knowledge, we do not expect, nor require, all of our Associate members to become CFEs. Each member joins the ACFE with different goals and aspirations, and we value all of them.

What are the CPE requirements to maintain my CFE credential?

CFEs are required to earn 20 hours of CPE per 12-month period. At least 10 hours must relate directly to the detection and deterrence of fraud, and two hours must relate directly to ethics.

What fields of study qualify for fraud-related CPE credit?

Fraud examination, forensic accounting, fraud auditing, law related to fraud, and specialized knowledge and applications used in a fraud examination generally qualify for fraud-related CPE requirements. Other fields of study may also qualify if the subject is related to the practice of fraud examination or one of its related disciplines (law, accounting, criminology and investigation methods).

Can I use CPE credits earned outside of the ACFE for my CFE credential?

Yes, unlimited CPE hours per year are allowed from outside organizations, provided the education meets the criteria set by the ACFE, contact us for more details.

What if I cannot maintain my CPE requirements?

Any member who is unable to demonstrate CPE compliance is subject to suspension. CFEs can apply for a CPE deadline extension via their account at ACFE.com or contact us for assistance. Special circumstances preventing CFEs from complying may exempt them from their CPE requirements and are handled on a case by case basis. A written request must be sent to the ACFE citing special circumstances that make CPE compliance impossible. Any member who is found to have made a false certification may be subject to discipline including expulsion from the ACFE.