How many questions are on the exam?

There are 100 multiple choice questions on the CMA exam parts 1 and 2. Each part also contains 2 scenarios, each with several written responses or calculations.

How much time will I have to complete the exam?

For each part, you have three hours in which to complete the multiple choice questions, and 1 hour to complete the two scenarios, for a total of four hours. Once you complete the multiple choice section you cannot go back. (Note: if you answer fewer than 50% of the multiple choice questions correctly, you will not be allowed to take the essay section.)

When I take the exam, will I receive my score immediately?

No; because the written response questions are graded offline, you will receive your total scaled score approximately 6 weeks after the close of the testing window. The written response questions will be graded by subject matter experts and partial credit will be given. For example, if you are asked to give three reasons why a selected alternative action is good for a business and you provide only two correct reasons, you will receive partial credit for these two responses. Likewise, for questions requiring a calculated response, partial credit will be given for a correct formula even though a mathematical error may have been made in the final number.

May I receive more detailed information on my test results?

Exam Performance Reports are sent via email from Prometric to candidates who fail an exam part. Performance reports are emailed approximately 14 days after exam results are posted to the candidates' profile. Performance reports show the candidates' performance as satisfactory, marginal or unsatisfactory for each of the key topic areas from the multiple choice section of the exam as well as the overall performance on the essay section of the exam.

How do individual multiple choice questions on the exam affect the score I receive? Are some questions weighted more heavily than others?

Individual multiple choice items within the CMA parts 1 and 2 are not weighted in the sense that one question is worth more points than another question. All questions are of equal point value. The individual questions do determine the relative difficulty of the entire set of questions, or "form," of the exam. When you take an exam, a set of questions is randomly selected. Each question included in the set of questions has a "difficulty rating" that, together with all the other questions, determines the relative difficulty of that particular set of questions. This relative difficulty determines the number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to pass. A more difficult exam will require a lower number of correct answers to achieve a passing score than an easier exam.

Should I guess if I'm not sure of the correct answer to a question?

There is no penalty for incorrect answers. Therefore, when working on the multiple choice items in CMA parts 1 and 2, you should select an option that seems reasonable rather than leave an answer blank, particularly if you can eliminate one or two of the options as being incorrect. On the essay portion of part 1 and 2, partial credit is available. It is to your advantage to show all of your work.